Farnham Flash Fiction
"The Farnham Flash Fiction International Competition invites aspiring writers from around the world to submit their stories. Participants are challenged to create a compelling narrative in 500 words or less, with the opportunity to win cash prizes and publication in an annual anthology.
Part of the Farnham Literary Festival 2024
Farnham Flash Fiction International Competitions since 2018
Farnham Flash Fiction started in 2018 as part of the Flash Flash Festival, 30 days of performance, song and arts in Farnham, a picturesque Regency town, at the edge of the Surrey Hills in the United Kingdom.
The competition is both a local and international competition. Each year there is a special prize for stories featuring Farnham, and also a great competition form international entries.
There are three prizes of £100, £25 & £25.
The judge is a leading author based in Farnham. The judging panels includes leading writers, authors and readers based in and around Surrey, UK. In the past judges have included Joanne Bernard and Ann Rainbow.
The competition is run by Sally Dickson who is a member of Farnham Town Council, Chairperson of the Hogs Back Writer's and also write SF Thrillers under the pen-name Sally Ann Melia.
+44 7957 440703