How to Enter
Step to step
Format your story as a Word document, using 12pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
Maximum word count: 500 words (excluding the title).
Please do not include your name, pen name, or any identifier on your competition submission.
Pay the £5 competition entry fee via PayPal.
Forward your PayPal receipt by email to, and attach your document.
Please include FLASH FICTION, the title, and the author’s name in the subject line of your email.
In the body of the email, include:
a. Your name
b. Name of your story
c. Contact details, including your phone number
This year, you may also request a critique for £5. One of our readers will provide you with comments on your flash fiction, including how it compares to similar works in the genre, any structural, grammatical, or other issues, and suggestions for improvement.
February 2025 Competition
Pay Your Entry Fee
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buy a critique
Frequently Asked Questions
500 words does not include the title
500 words is the maximum number, stories can be any length
Multiple entries are welcome
Sorry no poetry
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